Thursday, September 27, 2007

Music Week 4

This past week in music, 3rd-5th grade either continued or began working on basic piano skills. We are working towards left hand and right hand independence, reading music, and keeping a steady beat. I plan on video taping the piano class so parents can see what songs their children have learned on piano. K-2 continued working with boomwhackers. The song we learned was called Diddle, Diddle Dumpling. I hope to begin working on music for the winter concert. If there are any problems with your child learning holiday music please let me know immediately.

Friday, September 7, 2007

Music Week 2-3

Grades 3-5 began working on identifying note values. We used the rhythm sticks and some rhythms that were on the board. This week I had the classes read off of a rhythm sheet. Most classes were fairly successful with it. Some students need a bit more help. Last week K-2 classes learned motions to the song : Everybody Sit Down. We worked on trying to distinguish high and low sounds and what is a steady beat. We will need to practice that more. This week we worked on the song Walk Right In. We used variety of ways to move around the room. We will work on these skills again next week. Kindergarten also got a chance to use the boomwhackers this week. Some of the 1st and 2nd grade classes worked on learning a street game Down, Down Baby. I taught the hand motions to it and we then played instruments that go along with it. We will review this and hopefully be able to add more to next week.

Thanks to all the parents that stopped by at open house this week. We will be having a instrument rental night on September 11th at 7:00pm in the cafeteria. Hoggetown Music will be there to demonstrate instruments and set up rental contracts to those who are interested. If you have any questions or comments please feel free to contact me at the school.