Friday, May 9, 2008

Music April-May


Sorry it's been a while since I have updated the site. Here is what's been going on:

We began a music appreciation unit back in April once spring break was over. We have been talking about different styles of music and some composers. We first talked about the Classical music era and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Ludwig van Beethoven. We talked about what makes classical classical and when the composers lived. We also talked and listened to their work. We took a quiz on it as well. If students felt like they did not do well then they are allowed to make up the quiz until next Wednesday.

2nd-5th also began a composition project. We learned how to make treble clefs, whole notes and rests, half notes and rests, and quarter notes and rests. This week we began writing the actual lines of music. The assignment was to write a single line of music. Depending on the grade level it should have either been 8 or 16 measures long. Some of the students that are in band are allowed to write for their instrument. Other students that play piano were allowed to if they choose. The other requirements were to use different types of notes along with rests.I was impressed by some of the work the students have done and I am looking forward to presenting them at Parent Night at the end of the month.

K-1 Have begun learning how to identify half notes, half rests, quarter notes, and quarter rests. They are ultimately learning how to distinguish between the notes and be able to clap the rhythms.

Next week we have our Spring Concert. It will be the last performance for the band and chorus. We will have a some meeting days to turn in instruments and uniforms. Please check the calendar.