Thursday, September 27, 2012

3rd Grade Recorders

Attention all 3rd grade students and parents: Hoggtowne Music is offering us a deal on recorders. For $5 students may order recorders to have to practice at home. They come in a variety of colors. Please submit your money in an envelope with your child's name. I will purchase them from the music store and hand them out the following Monday.

 You may also purchase your own recorder from any of the music stores in town. Click on the links for Lipham's, Hoggtowne Music, or Great Southern Music on this page to find their locations.

New Year/The first 4 1/2 Weeks

We have finally gotten up and running. Just to give everyone a heads up, we will slowly make the transition to edline. In the meantime, I will keep updating via this site. The first few weeks of school have been quite busy. We have gone over rules and procedures and began our music lessons this year.

 Kindergarten has begun learning about beat. Beat is the pulse of the music and right now their job is to keep a steady beat. We have used simple songs and some stuffed animals that I call the Beat Buddies to help them learn about beat.

 1st grade is learning about beat but we have expanded to the rhythms we learned last year. We are also still using the boomwhackers.

 2nd grade is continuing to learn about beat but we are also doing a lot of singing. We are focusing on learning so, mi, and la. Those are pitch designations in the do,re,mi,fa,so,la,ti,do scale. We will learn more about these pitches and the hand signals that go with them.

 3rd grade began learning how to read the staff and playing recorder. They can clap and count rhythms but now they have to add the staff and recorder into the mix. 3rd grade is learning how to play B,A, and G notes.
 4th grade is learning piano. We are learning the correct finger placement and how to read the instructions in the book.
 5th grade is learning how to play guitar. So far we have learned E,F, and G on the first string. Next. we are going to learn how play an E minor chord.

 Students in 3rd-5th grade should be prepared to take a short playing quiz on their instrument. 3rd grade must play Hot Cross Buns, 4th grade must play page 12-13 in the piano book, and 5th grade must play E, F, and G on guitar. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me via email or call the school.