Sunday, August 30, 2009

Music Week 1

This week was the first week of school. Mostly we talked about class expectations, procedures, and what students will be learning this year. For example, 5th grade will be learning how to play guitar, 4th grade will be learning how to play piano, 3rd grade will learn how to play recorders, 2nd grade will learn how to play flutophones, and 1st and Kindergarten will learn how to play xylophone and sing. All grade levels will do more singing this year, as well as, have an instrumental education. I hope at some point to do a unit on music appreciation, a unit on music history, and a unit on music composition. I also informed the grades 2nd-5th that they are eligible to sing in chorus is they choose to. I informed the 4th and 5th graders that they will be eligible to play in the band. I will have the information sent home next week and make it available here on the website. Finally, we did an introductory activity. Grades 3-5 learned the Alley-O which is a song about Columbus day and it has movement that involves tying the class into a knot. K-2 learned Engine, Engine No. 9. It is a song about the subway system in Chicago. The students also had to pay attention to when I played the temple blocks because that told them how fast they could move their feet.

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