Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Music Week 8

K-2 talked learned a Halloween song. It was called "There was an Old Woman all Skin and Bones." We learned some movement to along with the words of the song. We had a lot of fun surprising teachers at the end of music class. I hope to teach this song to some of the older students next week.

My classes that come to me at 8:00 and the 5th graders had the opportunity to go to the computer lab and work on Brain Pop. We studied the lesson on the basics of reading music and took the quiz. At the end of quiz, students had to email their results to me. It was very similar to last week for 3rd and 4th grade. 4th grade this week had learned how to use the beat strips and rhythm markers. I played 9 examples of rhythms and the students had to figure out how to place them on their strip. Many classes found it very challenging. Next week, we will be back in the music room learning our respective instruments. We will be getting ready for our Winter Concert on December 3.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Music Week 7

This week the primary grades took their quiz on beat vs. no beat. All in all it was successful, however, I am a little concerned that some students did not quite grasp the concept. Part of it might have been the students not paying attention or they were too concerned with what their friends thought the right answer was. In the future, I will try to set up the assesment where the individual can worry about their answers.

3rd-4th grade classes had the opportunity to go to the computer lab to work on Brain Pop. It is an interactive sight that covers all subjects taught in school. I used it this week to supplement our note reading for each of the instruments. 5th grade began learning how to use the rhythm strips and beat markers. I clapped a rhythm and the students had to place the correct rhythm on the rhythm strip. We did nine examples and then worked on ukulele. Some of the 5th grade classes are ready to move on to the second string. I am hoping to have the first two strings learned by Thanksgiving.

We are going to have a Winter Concert on December 3 in the Williams cafeteria at 7:00pm. I will send more details out soon.

Music Week 6

This week the primary began preparing for their quiz. It is a small quiz (only 3 questions) that reviews if students can feel the beat of the selected pieces of music. What I have told the students is that if they can feel as though they could clap or pat their lap along to the music, then it most likely has a beat. If the song sounds like mostly noise, then it does not have a steady beat.

3-5 graders are making considerable progress on their respective instruments. I believe that third grade is finally start to get the hang of playing recorders. We go over the notes, count the rhythms, and try to put it together with the actual recorder. It has been a slow process. I can make some of the recorder material available in class. I also have a link to an online recorder page. 4th grade is also getting better with finger coordination on the piano. They have shown great improvement in the last few weeks. They are doing a better job of following the instructions in book on how to get your fingers set up without my help. 5th grade worked on a worksheet that helped them read notes on the treble clef staff. Eventually, 3rd and 4th grade will have a chance to do either the same one 5th grade has done or a slightly different one. 3rd-5th also finished working on rhythm sheet #2. Some of the classes began working on rhythm sheet #3.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Music Week 5

Last week the 3rd-5th grade continued to learn their respective instruments. However, the 5th grade classes from Wednesday-Friday missed their lessons due to being at Camp Crystal. Most of the classes have completed rhythm sheet #2 and will start sheet #3 next week. Once they have learned how to perform the eighth note, they will be able to play a new rhythm game.

The primary grades learned Howjidoo by Woody Guthrie. The students had to shake hands on the part of the song that said Howjidoo but they still had to shake hands on the beat. It was a good social activity. We also kept the beat to Sergei Prokofiev's march, For Love of Three Oranges. Students had to come up with different ways to move to the beat. For example, patting your lap, marching, jumping, etc. Next week, the primary grades will begin preparations for their beat vs. no beat quiz and will be learing some fall songs.