Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Music Week 5

Last week the 3rd-5th grade continued to learn their respective instruments. However, the 5th grade classes from Wednesday-Friday missed their lessons due to being at Camp Crystal. Most of the classes have completed rhythm sheet #2 and will start sheet #3 next week. Once they have learned how to perform the eighth note, they will be able to play a new rhythm game.

The primary grades learned Howjidoo by Woody Guthrie. The students had to shake hands on the part of the song that said Howjidoo but they still had to shake hands on the beat. It was a good social activity. We also kept the beat to Sergei Prokofiev's march, For Love of Three Oranges. Students had to come up with different ways to move to the beat. For example, patting your lap, marching, jumping, etc. Next week, the primary grades will begin preparations for their beat vs. no beat quiz and will be learing some fall songs.

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