Monday, March 8, 2010

Music Week 25

We are getting closer to finishing our Hip-Hop projects in 3rd-5th grade.

In K-2 we learned a song called Bounce High, Bounce Low. The idea was to learn the song and be able to bounce a ball on strong beats and catch it on weak beats. We took turns saying different names in the class.They were to bounce the ball to the next child when it came time to say the next name. Everyone got a turn. I wrote strong beat and weak beat on the board and we talked about the difference. We said that the strong beat is the beat that is empasized in each measure. The ball that we were bounce was to help illustrate that every time ball bounces on ground that is strong beat, weak beat is when we catch it. I drew rhythms for Bounce High on the board and we worked on identifying strong/weak beats.We also focused on so, mi, and la again with Rain Rain Go Away.

K also review speaking and singing voices with Hickory Dickory Dock . We listened to different versions of Hickory and Ring around the RosyListen and Sing, Sing What Shall I and they had to figure out if the song was speaking or singing. Finally we did Hickory Dickory with Boomwhackers.

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