Saturday, September 25, 2010

Music Week 6

This week 2nd, 3rd, and 5th grade had a Music Appreciation Lesson on the Brass Quintet. This is in preparation for October 11 field trip. We are going to hear the Metales M5 Brass Quintet. They are a group from Mexico and have toured all over Mexico, the U.S. and the entire world. We played a listening Game where I played the recording of a brass instrument and students had to stand by picture of instrument they thought it was. Students will need a lot more practice. I had a suspicion that many students had not heard the instruments individually. My guess was right. We will work some more on the individual sound. If time remained we worked on our individual instruments as well.

4th grade continued working on piano skills. They are slowly starting to get the hang of it. If students have a keyboard at home, they are strongly encouraged to practice. I will place a seperate page for all the books we are using in class if you wish to go to one of the music stores and buy them.

K-1 had a quiz on Beat-No Beat. I played 3 clips of music. Students had to use the Beat Buddies to help them figure out if there was a beat involved. They bounced their Buddy if they felt like the song had a beat. The Buddy was supposed to stay in their lap if the song had no beat. 2 of the 3 examples had a beat, the last one did not. I graded accordingly.

If any student in any grade feels that they did perform well on a test or quiz, then they may come and retake the quiz any time before school or after school.

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