Monday, November 15, 2010

Music Week 9.1

This week in music 3rd- 5th grade classes were to complete Winning Rhythms-Rhythm Sheet#2 Line A, B. We all sang the song, "There Was an Old Lady all Skin and Bones" we also surprised their homeroom teachers with it. We also reviewed Whole notes, Half notes, quarter notes, eighth notes, quarter rests, and half rests

Here is the breakdown by grade level and what they were to accomplish:

3rd Grade Recorder Skills-

Book: Do It!- Play Recorder pg. 7 #4

Fais Do Do-objective: play a song in 3/4 time using B, A, G


Work on Give Me a B(original composition)-objective: focus on the B note

4th Grade:
Piano Skills-

Objective: complete page 20

-make sure students are following diagrams in book, hands are in correct position, and are on task


Objective: Complete pg 32-33

5th Grade:

Guitar Skills

-Fast Track Guitar Method-pg 10-11
-Objective: Learn B, C, D on second string
-Play pg 11 #5
-Show diagrams, some students are still having trouble with fingers. See attached
-Left hand holds down string, right hand actually does the playing

K-2 also began working on Winning Rhythms-Rhythm Sheet#1 Line A, B. They sangThere Was an Old Lady all Skin and Bones as well and surprised their homeroom teachers as well. We also worked on Play your Sound before we did Skin and Bones:

Objective: Identifying music notes by sight and sound and playing the music notes on rhythm instruments.

1. Divide class into five sections and have them sit in a circle. Each section will be playing a different music note on a different instrument indidated in the music.

2. Place picture of each note on floor and board in front of each section in the circle.

3. Student will sing the song and play their instrument when they hear the teacher sing their note.

4. After all the notes have been played studnets move to the right in the circle to the next note and repeat the song. The song continues to repeat until all students have rotated throught each of the music notes on the different instruments

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