Friday, December 16, 2011

Music Week 10

3rd Grade:

Preparations for Winter Concert

3rd Grade Song: Fantansy on a French Carol
Objective: Student will perform B,A,G notes on recorder

EQ: Can you look at a given rhythm and determine the length of a notes or rests and perform it?

Materials: Recorder, Music K-8 Magazine Volume 22, Number 2, Winning Rhythms Sheet Line A

Using word wall review note and rest values
Have students count out and clap and play on a single note rhythms on rhythm sheet
Display French Carol on board, have students write in notes, circle rests
Perform with CD
{Pairs check: make sure partner is playing B,A,G with correct fingers}

Assess: Are students reading and counting rhythms correctly?

4th grade:
Prepare for Winter Concert-Song-Glo-Glo Glorius

Book-Alfred's Piano Lessons

pg. 16 My Best Friend
EQ: How do we play piano?

Objective: Students will learn how to use fingers 2,3,4 on left and right hands

Review Music Theory basics-staff, treble clef, quarter notes, half notes, rests-we do

Review posture, hand position at keyboard

1. Review finger numbers and hand positions
2. Go Have students begin to write in notes for song
3. Play line as teacher helps call out numbers
4. Practice playing My Best Friend with headphones
-teacher makes sure students are on task and can play material
{Pairs Check-make sure each partner has the correct posture and using 2,3,4 on the appropriate hand on the appropriate page}

Assess: Have students kept hands in correct positon? Are students following the finger positions as indicated in the book?


Prepare for Winter Concert: Song Glo-glo-glorious

Objective: Play E, F, G notes on guitar with guitar

EQ: How do you play guitar?

Materials: Guitar/ukulele, Fast Track Guitar Method Line 4

1. Review Frets and Finger positions and treble clef notes
-Remind students that in E,F, and G are all on the first string.
2.Demonstrate where to place fingers
3. Have students read notes and write in the notes and finger positions
4. Have students perform 3 Note Rock

{Pairs check: make sure partner is using open for E, 1st finger, 1st fret for F, 3 finger, 3fret for G}

Assess: Were students able read the music and put their fingers down for the correct notes?


Prepare for Winter Concert
K Song: Under the Tree
1st: Gloves and Mittens
2nd: Dreidel, Dreidel, Dreidel

Objective: Define and perform rhythms

EQ: Do you know the difference between rhythm and beat?

1. Post lyrics to grade level song
2. Have students listen and sing song while teacher points to lyrics
3. Define rhythm using word wall. Have students find word
4.Review or introduce note values(k will need introduction)
-quarter note= 1 beat, half note=two beats, quarter rest=2 beats of silence
5. Post rhythm sheet 1 on board.
-Say when you see quarter note say tah, when you see half note say to-ah
6.Students clap rhythms

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