Monday, October 5, 2015

Edmodo Assignment Due

There is an Edmodo assignment due on October 23, 2015. Students will have approximately 2 weeks to complete the assignment. If you do not have a computer or internet access at home, please see or email Mr. Thomas to make arrangements.

In addition, your child should have a form that gives you information to join It was passed out several weeks ago.I will include a link on this page for it. It will text you whenever we have assignments due. Text the code and you will start receiving updates for assignments.

Also, if you go through Edmodo, your child can you the parent code so you may receive updates that way as well. The easiest way would be to log into your child account, click profile, then click parent code. You may want to add your email address to their profile so you get the notifications as well.

Please share this information with other parents either in person or via social media by clicking one of the icons below. Thank you!

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