Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Music Week 24

All 3rd-5th Classes:

Winning Rhythms Sheet 3 Line A

This week was St. Patrick's Day. We sang the song: Everyone is Irish(On St. Patricks Day)and we talked about what St. Patricks Day is about. Here is a quick link to wikipedia for some brief info.'s_Day

3rd Grade:

Objective: Learn Low E on recorder, review C, B, A. Talk about staccato and legato
Materials: Krebbel Giants Dance

Demonstrate where fingers go.
Begin writing in notes on over head, count rhythms, discuss rests
Demonstrate staccato, legato
4th Grade:

Objective: Playing bass clef and treble clef on piano
Materials: pg. 36-38 or 45-46

Remind students that we are still playing the same notes, now we just have to incorporate the staff.
Set up will be the same
have to add bass clef. Will discuss order of letters and how to read

5th Grade:

Objective: Practice Em on guitar
Materials: Pay Me My Money Down

Demonstrate Em chord. 2nd fret, 2nd finger on 5th string, 3rd finger on 4th string
Sing Pay Me My Money Down
Watch Bruce Springteen sing Pay Me...


Focus: Quarter Notes and Paired eighth notes

Objective: Review beat-rhythm read quarter notes and paired eighth notes

Winning Rhythms Sheet 2 Line A
Hey, Hey Look at Me CD7-6
Bluebells CD 7-12
Seesaw CD 7-13
Rhythm Cards on Smartboard


Lead children in singin Hey, Hey Look at Me:
Encourage them to Think of other Action words to sing in place of those in the song
Perform the actions as they sing the song again
As they sing Hey, Hey... have students
Pat the beat on their knees and then clap the rhthym with their hands as you sing song
Pat the beat or clap the rythms indicated on the beat rhythm flash cards
Encourage students to listen carefully as teacher claps Seesaw
Choose partners move up and down like seesaw
As children sing various songs observe whether they use the appropriate movement-patting the beat or clapping the rhythm-as indicated on cards.

Song: Two Sailors lately Come from Sea

2nd Grade

Focus: Meter in 2

Objective: Review meter in 2, so, mi, la, quarter notes, eighth notes

Winning Rhythms Sheet 2 Line A
Bounce High, Bounce Low CD 7-30


Sing Bounce High, Bounce Low with the children. Bounce ball on the strong beats and catch it on the weak beat. On the word Shiloh bounce ball to one of the students who should bounce back to teacher. Continue until everyone has had a turn.
Have song posted on the board with time signature. Have students sing the song again patting thier knees or snapping their fingers. Place the word strong beat and weak beat on the board and help the children recognize they are patting on the strong beats and snapping on the weak beats. Show one way to indicate strong beat is with accent marks. Ask children to describe how bar lines indicate strong beats and weak beats. (Strong beats always come after the bar line)
Teach how to conduct meter in two
Asses:Children will transfer their ability to feel meter in two to conducting patterns of two

Song: Two Sailors lately come from sea

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