This week were outside with Coach doing fitness stations and Geo Mats
Here's how to do the songs
Song: Yeah 3x
Artist Chis Brown
High Impact
Football Run
4,6 Jump 5, 5
Verse 1:
Start 7
Shuffle R-5, hop switch L 5, 3, hop switch R 3
4 count walk back to 9
Start 9
Shuffle L-5, hop switch R 5, 1, hop switch R 1
4 step back to 7
Football Run
4,6 Jump 5, 5
6, 4 Jump 5,5
Front Kick R, Side Kick L
Front Kick L, Side Kick R
Verse 2:
Repeat Verse 1
Verse 1
Song: I Like It
Artist: Enrique Iglesias
Medium Impact
Verse 1:
Start on 5
R 2, Lift L, 5, 5- 32 counts
L 2, Lift R, 5, 5
Side Step 4,4,6,6-24 counts
March to 4
start 4,
R 5,Step Turn 180 5,6, 6-4 count
R 5, Step Turn 180 5, 4, 4
March to 6
L 5, Step Turn 180 5, 4, 4
L 5, Step Turn 180 5, 6, 6
Leg Curl-8 count
Verse 2:
repeat v1
Start 7
R 5,5,3,3 back 4 counts to 9
L 5,5, 1, 1 back 4 counts to 7
Song: Dynamite
Artist Taio Cruz
Low Impact
Jab, Jab Hold
Jab, Jab Hold
Rotate R arm
Rotate L arm
Verse 1:
Reverse Triangle Step L-8counts-1,3,55
Home 8
Reverse Triangle Step R-8 counts-3,1,55
Home 8
Diamond Step L-4 Counts-2,6,4,8
Home 4
Diamond Step R-4Counts-2,4,6,8
Home 4
Jab Jab Hold
Jab Jab Hold
Rotate R
Rotate L
Square Squat 32 counts-1,3-3,9-9,7-7,1 then reverse direction
Verse 2:
Triangle Step L 8 counts- 7,9,5,5
Home 8
Triangle Step R 8 counts-9,7,5,5
Home 8
Diamond Step L 4 counts-2,6,4,8
Home 4
Diamond Step R 4 counts-2,4,6,8
Home 4
Jab, Jab Hold...
Square Squat then reverse
X-Step 32 counts-1,3,5,5,7,9,5,5
Home 16
Song: If I Had You
Artist: Adam Lambert
High Impact
Verse 1:
Step Knee- 32 counts
Single, Single, Double(type of foot shuffle)-32 Counts
4,6,Hop 5,5 alternate 6,4,Hop 5,5-48 counts
Football Run(Fast Feet) and touch floor on cue-16 counts
Verse 2:
repeat v1
Lunge L 7,1- 32 counts
Lunge R 9, 3-32 counts
Squat 32 counts
Song: Magic
Artist: B.o.B
Medium Impact
Grapevine L-6, 8,4(approx) alternate Grapevine R-4,8,6(approx)-32 counts
Leg Curl-6,6,4,4,-Step right 6, Left leg curl, Step Left 4 , right leg curl-32 counts
Verse 1:
Jab Jab Cross R-32 counts
Jab Jab Cross L-32 counts
Jab Jab Uppercut R-16 counts
Jab Jab Uppercut L-16 counts
Grapevine L-6, 8,4(approx) alternate Grapevine R-4,8,6(approx)-32 counts
Leg Curl-6,6,4,4,-Step right 6, Left leg curl, Step Left 4 , right leg curl-32 counts
Verse 2:
repeat v1
Song: Boom Boom Pow
Artist: Black Eyed Peas
Low Impact
Home-march 32 beats/counts-5
Verse 1:
Wide Step Lead L 24 counts-4,6
Home 8
Wide Step Lead R 24 counts- 6,4
Home 8
Home 32
Verse 2:
Wide Together Lead L 24 counts-4,6,5,5
Home 8 counts
Wide Together Lead R 24 counts-6,4, 5,5
Home 8 counts
Side Rock Lead L 8 counts-4,5,4,5
Home 8 counts
Side Rock Lead R 8 counts, 6,5,6,5
Home 8 counts
Rock two Corners 24 counts-1,5,7,5 (I be rockin..)
Home 8 counts
Rock Two Corners 24 counts-3, 5, 9, 5(here we go, here we go...)
Home 8 counts
Step Tap Lead L 8 counts-4,4,6,6
Home 8 counts
Step Tap Lead R 8 counts-6,6,4,4
Home 8 counts
Home 16 counts
Verse 3:
Wide Step Lead L 24 counts-4,6
Home 8
Wide Step Lead R 24 counts- 6,4
Home 8
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